Monday 11 February 2013

Biotechnology jobs fargo north dakota

North Dakota Jobs Now Hiring! Click here now: The once rural town of Williston, ND, is projected to double -- and maybe even triple -- in the next five years because it is in the heart of what the locals refer to as the rockin' Bakken, an oil and gas rich swath of western North Dakota. Technical advances in energy exploration and production have made it possible to get much more out of the ground here. As North Dakota has outrun Alaska and leaped into the No. 2 spot for production, it's feeding all sorts of demand in the state with the lowest unemployment in the nation. Unemployed residents of other states have been migrating to the Peace Garden State in search of work. "We're able to find workers which, otherwise, if we'd been on full employment, it would have been hard to get people to move to a rural area like this" says Tom Rolfstad, executive director of Williston Economic Development. The work and business opportunities are wide-ranging and plentiful, but small towns are racing to keep up with demand for housing. For example, Williston put in 2100 units last year and expects to add 3500 next year. "For the most part, everybody's working. To a degree I could even say we have the working homeless, that we have so many workers and not enough housing, that that's our problem with homeless" says Rolfstad. The town has had to regulate where RVs are parked and crack down on sleeping in the parks. It's not unheard of for people to live out of their cars. The Williston job

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