Biotechnology is basically recreation and reinvention of nature. It deals with the manipulation of living organisms in order to make or improve products, enhance plants and animals or generate microorganisms to make human life and the environment better.
In a modern definition, it is related to the genetic information of living organisms, called DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). Biotechnology explains and supports the transformation of these so-called nature's codes. They are decoded through modification of its sequences; encoded through addition of new sequences or the erasure of particular genes. In these ways, the characteristics or features of the organisms are changed.
Its application achieves many benefits for humans and the environment. It has a relative number of functions for food and agriculture, as well as medicine. An example is the identification and treatment of genetic illnesses, as well as the production of vaccines for diseases. Antibiotics are also considered products of biotechnology. Artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization (IVF) are also forms of biotech practice.
Another example is the development of breeding and cloning animals. as well as cloning in animals. After cloning Dolly the sheep in 1996, proponents of the technology claimed that livestock cloning provided consumers with high quality products. In a later study, a research team was able to produce pigs that have Omega-3 fatty acids. These fats are known to be healthy fats, and help the heart work properly, thus reducing the risk of heart diseases.
With any research breakthroughs come risks along with benefits. That is why these genetically modified (GM) organisms are evaluated before made available to the public. One consideration is whether they promote the organism's existence or disturbs the equilibrium of the ecosystem. The practice is being questioned in connection with ethical and religious implications. Fortunately, there are regulations set by authorities that vary from country to country. Its uses and products should always be safe for human beings and the.
Biotechnology [] provides detailed information on Biotechnology, Biotechnology Market, Biotechnology Careers, Biotechnology Schools and more. Biotechnology is affiliated with Forensic Science Colleges [].
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